We aren't back upstairs yet, due to a broken sander, but should be in a couple weeks. In the meantime, a lot of planning for the work we will be doing ourselves has been happening. Already I have repainted the living room a different color, a brighter, prettier shade of my favorite color, green. I love it. We also decided to change the couch up there, from a hand-me-down gifted to us from Dad's parents to a leather couch with some character we had been using in the Man Cave. We will replace it with super cushy bean bags for the kids to rest on while we watch movies. This leaves budget room for major furniture upgrades in other rooms that we are majorly excited about. Since I currently have to post from my phone to send pictures, the posts won't be too long. I will try to keep you all visually updated, though, as we start the long journey of finally making the house what want and need it to be. Oh, and all that baby stuff, too ;)
The picture is of the living room in progress. The right color is the former one and the left is the new color.

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