Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, April 1, 2011

9 1/2 week appointment

My first "real" prenatal appointment. So far,things are looking great. I need to be careful about my sugar intake, but I knew that already, and have been slacking there, but easy enough to fix. My midwife is excellent and down-to-earth, which I appreciate. She also is very no-nonsense and I appreciate that. I was able to wait on blood tests and girly exams until later in the pregnancy when they are actually necessary, which is nice. I also found that I am slightly farther along than I thought-my due date is closer to Superboy's birthday than I'd like, but God planned this one, not us, and I trust His judgment.
On a related note, I got my records from my pregnancy with Superboy and found that the doctors had been exaggerating on a number of facts, which ended up leading to an unnecessary repeat c-section. It is terribly frustrating to know things made it as far as his due date and they sabotaged the attempt. It does mean things look good for the possibility of a VBA2C this time around. His gestation was rather uneventful and I have prayers that this one will be too. A little bed rest, if necessary this time, is probably not a bad thing for me as I tend to overdo it. We'll see how things go. I feel confident in a third time around to know how to best deal with certain situations, and having the information about my gluten-intolerance under my belt definitely makes a difference. So, trying to walk a mile a day and focusing my diet on meat and veggies at this point is all I have worry about. Next appointment in three weeks, and then we should be able to possibly hear a heartbeat.

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