Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cloudy Update

Cloudy seems to be taking well to the sheep and goats, hanging out with them and heading to the barn at night. I am hoping that once she settles in she makes for a good protector. Her fleece possibilities are nil at this point unless she decides she really loves us. She does come around a bit more when the goats and sheep do. Soon she will have a smaller flock, though. I am very seriously considering splitting Thorn the sheep off with Cassidy and Dawnae, the lady goats, in order to keep him intact and use him as a ram once I track down some more Border Cheviots. Friends of ours have said that larger lines of Cheviots still are not very big-that being said I may look into breeding him with full sized gals and using those lambs for meat purposes, while looking for a Border ram for Jazzmin and Chryssy in order to perpetuate some much loved fiber animals. I think fiber may be a major player on this farm. We will see how we do in the spring with my first shearing experience. In the meantime, Cloudy is doing much better than before, and I hope that she continues to mellow out with time.

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