Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Update on the new routine and cookbook project

So, the first week of running according to the new routine to schedule in rest went pretty well. I had a bit of meltdown on Friday, but I think I am learning something here. God knows how stubborn I can be, and it is definitely taking some refining to mold me into the sort of mother/wife/sister/daughter/friend I should be. I am starting to see the benefits already, but I am having to learn to let go of certain ideas I hold about my house, schedule and the like. I think cleaning just certain areas each day will work well, but in the meantime I feel like the house is a pit. A lot of that is due to the fact that I haven't gotten done with a lot of deep cleaning and decluttering, and only letting myself work on certain areas each day to do that means it is getting strung out a bit,but I am not nearly so grouchy and tired at the end of the day. I still feel like making a big dinner and spending time with my family. Meal planning is working out pretty well. I can always tell when I start to let it slip, because our grocery bills skyrocket. It has been interesting seeing what Andrew and Liv pick for their dinner days, and I am excited to see what Asher chooses, when he is old enough. I will plan the new revised plan for this week at the end of the post. I saw a few areas that could be improved upon, but altogether it looks pretty good. May marks our first month with only one debt payment-the mortgage-which is awesome and I am excited to see how our budget works out. I do know we have a bad habit of eating out too much, but the meal planning should help that some. I think we are going to make Sunday evening a night with Harold, which will serve both the purpose of spending time with him, easing our grocery bill a little, and giving me a break on Sunday, which is the plan anyhow. The cookbook project is coming along-I do make more than I often remember, and will definitely benefit from space being freed up and all my favorite things to make in one place. I am wittling away at the pile, and thought I was making some serious progress until Asher found a stash of books I had forgotten about in the kitchen...oops :) I am also getting better about keeping my palm pilot charged, which greatly helps with remembering tasks and being able to still keep up an internet presence when I am trying to limit my time sitting down at an actual computer. So, in all, it looks good, but will be a long process of incorporating new and forgotten habits back into my everyday. But I like all the skills involved in doing so, so it will be fun as well as challenging, which is always good.

*Dinner-Liv's Choice: Portabella Burgers
*Three loads laundry washed and hung out
*One load dishes washed, yesterday's put away
*Vacuum, pick up living room and dining room; dust, mop front entryway
*Feed and water chickens, gather eggs
*9:30 chiro visit
*Post Office
*Lunch with Andrew
*Asher naptime: general decluttering
*Put folded clothes in rooms
*Take out trash
*Make bed

Liv Duties: Make bed and put dirty clothes in basket

*Dinner: Andrew's Choice-Hot Sausage Bread
*One load dishes washed, yesterday's put away
*One load laundry washed and hung out
*Feed and water chickens, gather eggs
*Playdate with SWG in town
*Babywearing group
*Put clothes in rooms
*Take out trash
*Make bed

Liv Duties: Make bed, put away dirty clothes

*Dinner: Swiss, Potato and Sausage Soup (since I forgot the Swiss last week...)
*One load dishes washed, yesterday's put away
*Three loads laundry washed and hung out
*Vacuum, mop and pick up kitchen
*Vacuum, mop and pick up master bed and bath
*Feed and water chickens, gather eggs
**Possible visit to Ebersole Ranch if it is raining and chores get done
*Take out trash
*Put clothes in rooms
*Make bed

Liv Duties: Make bed, put dirties in basket

*Dinner: Pizza & Salad
*Two loads of laundry washed and hung out
*One load dishes, put away yesterday's
*Vacuum Liv and Asher's rooms, hallway and main bath. Mop floors, wipedown surfaces, clean toilet
*Wash all slept in bedding
*Feed and water chickens, gather eggs
*Take out trash
*Put clothes in rooms
*Make bed

Liv Duties: make bed, put dirties in basket

*Dinner: crockpot night-Pulled Chicken Tacos
*One load dishes
*One load laundry hung out
*Feed and water chickens, gather eggs
9:30 chiro visit
*Garage sales with Auntie
*Nice weekend, may camp
*Take out trash
*Put clothes in rooms
*Make bed

Liv Duties: make bed, dirties in laundry

Misc: talk to local restaurants about composting chickens idea...will post about this later if it pans out

*Catch up
*Dinner: grill out-burgers
*Make bed

Liv: make bed

*Dinner with Harold
*Sample Sunday in Woodward
*Catch up on checking accounts, blogs and internet stuff (cause I can sit down and I like to do it...)

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